Interested in becoming a vendor?

Our membership fee is $225 annually, plus $250 for a single stall, $800 for one-and-one-half stalls, and $1200 for two stalls. All new applicants will undergo an inspection, and a $25 fee will be incurred. Read more about member stall assignment and member fees in our by-laws by clicking on the link below.

To apply to become a member of AFM, take these steps:

1. Read over our By-laws and verify that you can meet all state and local heath department and Ohio Department of Agriculture requirements. Find them here.

2. Complete and submit the form below. If you are a grower, a map of your proposed growing area is required. You may attach an electronic link on the form below, or you may e-mail a legible hand-drawn map to

Thank you for your interest!

Application to become a market member